Thursday, 6 September 2012

A Brief Reflection - Post 14

Through this Biology performance task, I find the force-fitting strategy rather interesting as this is the first time I have employed this approach to create a product. I find the process beneficial as it helps to trigger my imagination, invoke creativity and helps me to conceptualise what I want to create from scratch.

This performance task also underscores the importance of collaboration with our group members. As our organisms are inter-related to each other in the food web, we need to work together with our group members closely to ensure that our food web is sustainable. For instance, we need to mutually agree on the types of roles for our respective organisms such as producer, decomposer, herbivore, carnivore or omnivore. 

I also learn to be open to improvements suggested by my group members and to incorporate changes to my organism as I obtain more information through my research. For example, initially, my organism has long legs as I thought long legs will enable it to run at a fast speed. However, with the information that the habitat experiences strong wind, I decided to shorten the legs of my organism as this will allow the organism to be closer the ground to minimise the impact of strong winds.

As in any group project, it can be rather challenging dealing with group dynamics. However, our group members adopt an open stance towards suggestions and maintain mutual respect for each other which help in the entire process. In conclusion, this performance task has made the learning of Ecology more interesting, interactive and lively.

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